A blogger is someone who writes regularly for an online journal or website. A political blogger might provide weekly commentary on current events.A personal blogger keeps a website which may include diary-like entries, photographs, and links to other sites. Such a blog is a record of how the blogger spends her days — vacations, weekend outings, books and movies she's watched, and so on. Fashion bloggers might take photos of outfits or link to shopping sites, and pop culture bloggers might recap last night's TV shows. Blogger comes from blog, first used in 1998 as shorthand for weblog.
The blogger pulls his camera off the tripod and makes sure to get the whole thing on video.
Linked by Gordon KormanAnother e-mail came from a corporation in Pennsylvania, less
formally written, telling her a local professor had identified her as a provocative race blogger and asking if she would lead their annual diversity workshop.
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieRather than doing interviews with big newspapers or cable news outlets, I began sitting down with influential “mommy bloggers” who reached an enormous and dialed-in audience of women.
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